Crunch 59th St


In 2024, Crunch 59th Street underwent a major renovation, with expanded gym space, upgraded equipment, and a new street-level lobby (formerly underground). Collaborating with Crunch’s art director and the marketing team, we conceptualized a custom mural that celebrates the neighborhood. The mural incorporates iconic local landmarks like The Queensboro Bridge, The Roosevelt Island Tram, Midtown skyscrapers - including The Chrysler Building, and a classic NYC yellow cab. The mural spans three levels of the gym, starting in the newly renovated lobby and continuing down the staircase to lower levels. I illustrated the following elements of the mural: NYC Taxi, The Queensboro Bridge, The Roosevelt Island Tram, and the clouds.

Role: Designer

Art Director: Luis Vega

Photography by John Moore

Photography by John Moore

Using the mural, I created a t-shirt for Crunch 59th St.’s re-opening party.

The Roosevelt Island Tram Illustration

NYC Yellow Cab Illustration

The Queensboro Bridge Illustration